

Project Brief:

Ustad Ustani is a portal to connect tutors with the students easily, it is an idea to create a digital bridge between the tutor and student as well as parents. Boundless Technologies develop the website for Ustad Ustani and also manage the Social Media Campaign.

Services we Provide:

Actual Stats


Step 01

Website Development

Design, develop and maintain PHP Website for Ustad Ustani. Create a platform where student, tutor parents can individually create their account and use the features of the portal according to their requirement.


Step 02

Social Media Management

Besides website development, we also manage a social media campaign for Ustad Ustani, designs creative posts, and share them to our huge traffic on Facebook.


Step 03

Video Animation

Video explanation is the easiest way to describe anything, for Ustad Ustani we create different Video Animations for their registration guide as well as to promoting the portal.

Step 04

Online Advertisement

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